MatLab Physics Apps

In parallel with the Physics courses, any student can undertake advanced study of certain phenomena and concepts covered in the courses through apps developed using the scientific computing software MATLAB. The apps allow for highlighting and deepening the understanding of certain characteristics of physical processes covered during the course. For example, the 1D or 2D motion of a material point in a conservative field with potential energy.



The operation of the apps is described in this video.


  1. Currently, the apps are only available for Windows systems.
  2. To run the apps on your PC, you do not need to have a MATLAB license. (NOTE: SAPIENZA students can download and use MATLAB for free from the SAPIENZA servers and use it when connected to the SAPIENZA network).
  3. To run the apps, it is necessary to have MATLAB Runtime installed on your PC, which can be downloaded for free from the servers of MathWorks, the producer of MATLAB:

    If you try to run the app and the Matlab Runtime is not present, you will be prompted to download it.

Kinematics of uniformly Accelerated Rectilinear Motion
The Matlab App allows simulation of uniformly accelerated rectilinear motion of a material point for chosen values of acceleration, initial velocity, initial position, and the simulation time window. The time laws x(t) and v(t) are graphed, along with the motion of the material point in the phase space [p(t),x(t)], where p(t) = mv(t) and m=1 kg.


Motion of a Projectile in a Gravitational Field with Viscous Friction
The Matlab App allows simulation of 2D motion in the presence of gravitational acceleration of a material point of mass m=1 kg launched from a chosen position and with a chosen velocity. The App calculates the trajectory, time laws for position and velocity, and the time evolution of kinetic, potential, and mechanical energies. The App also allows verification of how these trends change when viscous friction is introduced.


Motion in a 1D Force Field
The Matlab App allows simulation of 1D motion in a space interval where a conservative force dependent on position is present, characterized by a potential energy curve that can be modified at will. The App simulates the motion of a material point of mass m = 1 kg launched from a chosen position and with a chosen velocity. During the motion, the App calculates the potential energy profile, the work done by the conservative force, constant mechanical energy curves, and the trajectory in phase space, as well as the time laws for position and velocity. The App also allows verification of how these trends change when viscous friction is introduced.


Motion in a 2D Force Field
The Matlab App allows simulation of 2D motion in a space area where a conservative force dependent on position is present, characterized by a potential energy defined by a two-dimensional surface that can be modified at will. The App simulates the motion of a material point of mass m = 1 kg launched from a chosen position and with a chosen velocity. During the motion, the App calculates the potential energy trend, the work done by the conservative force, the trajectory on the potential surface, and the time evolution of kinetic, potential, and mechanical energies. The App also allows verification of how these trends change when viscous friction is introduced.


Motion in Reference Frames in Relative Motion
The Matlab App allows simulation of the 2D trajectory of a material point relative to two reference frames in relative motion in the plane. The App allows choosing the type of uniformly accelerated motion of the point in the fixed reference frame and the type of accelerated translation and rotation motion of the mobile reference frame. During the motion, the App also calculates the velocity and acceleration vectors of the material point relative to the two reference frames.


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